Employment services and education for adults

ACOF supplies, in each Institute, many professional and cross-training courses for adults, addressed to employed and unemployed people, through the access of the public funding too.

The activity involves the socio medical sector, linchpin of ACOF, that refers to paths recognized by Regione Lombardia as Healthcare Worker, but also Family Assistant and Entertainer at Social Care Residence. Moreover, education includes courses in beauty, textile and clothing, logistics, graphics and IT, as well as for foreign languages.

There are post-diploma educational paths, certified at Regional level as well; from 2004 it’s possible to enjoy courses of the “British schools of English”, that offer english lessons, at different levels, addressed to young people, adults and companies, as well as services of translation and interpreting too.

Moreover ACOF, supplies education and consulting for companies such as the Apprenticeship, in order to support the access to public funding as well as the monitoring of different steps of the paths.

ACOF, as credited Body at Regione Lombardia, supplies employment services, through customized paths of orientation and coaching, that support the tutoring and educational internships.

ACOF, has been a partner of many international projects for experimental activities and research in the educational field, promoted in synergie with educational bodies and schools of other Countries.




Via Costa, 29 – 21052 Busto Arsizio (VA)


+ 39 0331-624318


+39 0331-620371

